Helen leads the advancement of Intelligent Futures' project management approach, building on her knowledge base of design, cartography, organizational structure and change management. With her diverse experience in processes such as accessibility, watershed health, urban agriculture and organizational change, she informs and motivates clients to build strategies on a foundation of rigorous understanding of data and community ideas.
“Whatever it is you're seeking won't come in the form you're expecting.” - Haruki Marukami
Lo-TEK Design by Radical Indigenism - Julie Watson
Moving across the country with three suitcases and one connection: Intelligent Futures.
As part of an accessibility plan we developed, a woman who used an electric scooter was able to directly draft actions with her County’s Warden for a transportation issue she has been lobbying for years! Once the plan was approved, she told us “[The plan is] something we can all be proud of.”