Empowering connections to improve housing supports
Saskatoon Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP)
Year Completed
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In Saskatoon, the stark disparity between the Indigenous population and their overrepresentation among the homeless underscores a critical systemic issue.
Indigenous people represent approximately 9% of the city's total population yet account for over 85% of those experiencing homelessness. Addressing this, the Saskatoon Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) plays a pivotal role in developing affordable housing and addressing homelessness. SHIP collaborates with various agencies across the city and all levels of government, aiming to eradicate homelessness in Saskatoon. To support these efforts, Intelligent Futures designed and delivered the Saskatoon Housing Lab, an initiative aimed at redefining collaboration within the city's housing sector. The lab focused on improving partnership dynamics, enhancing process efficiency, and eliminating redundant practices to better support individuals facing complex and intersecting challenges related to homelessness.

During the lab, a diverse group of stakeholders from the housing and homeless-serving sectors were engaged to understand their colleagues and those they are serving and to generate new solutions for improved collaboration and coordination. This collaborative process resulted in the creation of three prototypes: the Housing Hub, a digital platform designed to enhance knowledge sharing and service delivery among community organizations; a Case Management software that fosters efficient information sharing to improve client experiences; and Stepping Stones, a comprehensive housing development tailored specifically for women with children, providing essential on-site services such as addiction support, employment assistance, and childcare. These initiatives are designed to empower community organizations in Saskatoon, enabling them to deliver more effective and compassionate support to the city's most vulnerable residents, thereby enhancing the overall health and stability of the community.

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